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Can you learn a language online?

Despite the exponential growth of online methodologies in all areas of society, education remains daunted by the prospect of trusting online ways of working, at least as the primary means of delivering education. This is particularly the case in areas of what is...


Blog, Online Courses, Testimonials | March 5, 2018
我名叫Debbie Fees,我和我的同事Jen Leonard一道在美国特拉华州乔治城的苏塞克斯学院工作,我担任DP协调员和课程班主任(SBC)的角色。 我们是一个正在发展中的小规模学校,当下我们还没有充裕的师资队伍为DP学生提供足够的课程选择。为了满足第六门课程的要求,我们提供IB Design Tech,但我们还需要满足哪些对工程不感兴趣的孩子们的需求。Pamoja涵盖一系列课程,并能弥补这个缺憾,特别时工商管理、经济学和心理学。 如果不是Pamoja,我们将很难提供IB DP课程。...

Pamoja Taught courses at Lincoln Community School

Blog, Online Courses | November 21, 2017
My name is Frank, I teach at Lincoln Community School and I work as assistant student support – we help students out with various subjects but my role is within the sciences and math. I am also in charge of the Pamoja online courses, working as the Site-based...