
unit icon 17 单元
unit icon 124 课程
unit icon 2 Years课程
This course enables learners to develop a ‘sense of place’ by looking at the world around them on a local, regional and global scale. Learners will examine a range of natural and man-made environments, and study some of the processes which affected their development. They will also look at the ways in which people interact with their environment, and the opportunities and challenges an environment can present, thereby gaining a deeper insight into the different communities and cultures that exist around the world.



  • Population dynamics
  • Migration and population
  • Settlement and urbanisation
  • Earthquakes and volcanoes
  • Rivers
  • Coasts
  • Weather and climate

In each year there is also time for revision and trial examinations.

  • Development
  • Food production, industry and tourism
  • Geographical skills
  • Energy and water
  • Environmental risks of development

In each year there is also time for revision and trial examinations.

The Benefits

Taking IGCSE Geography will enable students to:
  • become experienced in a wide range of technical and social tools
  • develop skills like time management, communication and digital literacy
  • develop technical skills that can be applied to problem solving in everyday life


*Course available from September 2020, for first exams in June 2022. 

Activities and assessments

The course includes the following activities: readings and case studies on current topics, quizzes, self-assessments and marked written assignments. Teachers will review and grade assignments during the course. There are also unit discussions to support students with each topic. The final examinations for students on this course consist of 3 externally-assessed papers, covering:
  • Paper 1 (Geographical themes) —1 hour 45 minutes, 45%, Structured questions
  • Paper 2 (Geographical skills) – 1 hour 30 minutes, 27.5%, Structured questions
  • Paper 4 (Alternative to Coursework) – 1 hour 30 minutes, 27.5%, Structured questions

Advice from our teachers

In order to succeed in IGCSE Geography, we recommend students set aside five to six hours a week to study. It is important that students regularly keep up with the readings and the course activities in a timely manner. And that they contact their Pamoja teacher if they fall behind or need help with assignments.

Field Work

Students taking this course will sit Paper 4 Alternative to Coursework, rather than complete the coursework Component 3. Regardless, Cambridge International expect educators to embed practical techniques and investigative work into their teaching. Students are expected to have some practical experience of geographical methods, even if limited. Our course provides support for the essential enquiry skills throughout the teaching of the topics throughout the course. Lessons contain regular opportunities to apply skills and techniques used in geographical enquiries. Schools wishing students to enrol onto Pamoja Taught IGCSE Geography should ensure that students are supported in safely carrying out any fieldwork undertaken, in order to give students the best possible preparation for their examinations. Students will still be expected to review and understand all the fieldwork and enquiry techniques, even if they are not able to perform them.



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