By Cathy Hitchin, Principal of Pamoja Online Courses

As Principal of Online Courses, I hope you have had some time to relax over the summer break, but also some time to reflect upon the past year of study and to make a plan for how best to achieve the success you deserve in your IB Diploma courses.

In the spirit of accomplishing both of these aims, the Pamoja academic team would like to share with you some resources for your subjects which will allow you to expand your subject knowledge but in a more relaxing way. As we approach the beginning of semester, it’s a good idea to start moving into the mindset of heading back to school and this blog post allows you to do just that.

Below, our Course Advisors and Pamoja teachers have handpicked a list of recommended podcasts, blogs, books and web resources in each of the subjects we provide to help you prepare for the new academic year. We hope you find them helpful, interesting and even fun!

IB Core Elements

Group 1: Language and Literature

Group 2: Language Acquisition

Group 3: Individuals and Societies

Group 4: Mathematics

Group 6: The Arts

For more information on Pamoja Online Courses and the subjects we offer head to our subject pages. Interested in taking a Pamoja Online Course? If you have a ManageBac account, head to your Plan Worksheet and request a Pamoja Online Course as one of your subjects. Don’t have ManageBac? Speak to your school’s Diploma Coordinator or email us at [email protected]

About the Author

Cathy Hitchin

Cathy Hitchin
Principal of Online Courses

She is an experienced international educator, having worked on five continents in the last 25 years – as a teacher, as an IB Diploma Programme Coordinator, as a Secondary Principal, and as a Head of School – and always within the programmes of the International Baccalaureate. She teaches English Literature, Philosophy and Theory of Knowledge.